Sunday 10 August 2014

What I learnt from watching Chef Alton Brown's show Good Eats:

I can confidently say that apart from my food loving family, Chef Alton Brown has been my biggest inspiration to go and actually cook.

Let's go back a little, shall we? It was in 2011, when I actually discovered Good Eats on Food Network. I was just lazing around, changing the channels, when I came across a show of Good Eats being broadcasted on Food Network. I really don't know what happened then. I kept watching the show, and from that day, I was addicted to it. I would watch it on TV and on YouTube for hours and hours together, without a single break. In fact, I would finish about two seasons in a month, on an average.

Why, you ask?

Alton Brown...!
Chef Brown has a very unique way of teaching people how to cook. His series 'Good Eats' is humorous, goofy, entertaining, and very, very, informative. And the best part was, while other cooking shows taught you to make spice crusted sirloin with ancho chilly salsa (just made that up!), Alton Brown's show concentrated on a single technique and/or single ingredient, such as broccoli, and then used to dive into the history, geography, science, and culinary application of that food or technique, which used to make the show really interesting. And how can you miss his quirky, goofy, and funny way of presenting? That used to be like the icing on the cake! The sock-puppet yeast, the time-machine and the pressure lift, the lady of the refrigerator, Lactose man!, Sid and 'thing'! These characters, with the chef himself, made Good Eats what it is today - The best cooking show on the planet.

Good Eats!
From there did I actually learn the science and history behind common food. The way that Chef Brown explains it, anyone can learn the hardest concepts behind food and can look at food in a better, more deserving light. In totality, he gives food a new face, in a quirky, yet amazing way.

Chef Brown explaining the basics of bread with his sock puppet yeast - Episode: Roll Call
Thank you so much Alton Brown! You have been my biggest inspiration! My only wish, is that Good Eats be continued again, with new techniques and new ingredients, and I am absolutely, positively sure that Good Eats will be a hit among the people again.

Go AB! 

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